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"The dismantling of the Polish State has just ended. Now people will start to disappear." Dr. Janusz Kurtyka Contact | About

Independent News, Research, Scientific Analysis, and Commentary on the Smolensk Crash and its Implications.

  • Antoni Macierewicz, Vice Chairman of the Law and Justice Party (PiS)Chairman of the Polish Government Re-Investigation Commission of the Crash of Polish Air Force One on April 10, 2010 in Smolensk
  • Russian Image Management by Euguene PoteatRetired CIA Senior Scientific Intelligence Officer Euguene Poteat speaks out
  • Smolensk Crash DisinformationNo one saw anything, no one heard anything, no one filmed anything ...
  • TNT and other explosives detected on the wreckage of Polish presidential planeC4, TNT, RDX, HMX (octogen), p-MNT and Nitroglycerine detected ...
  • Smolensk Crash related deaths"The Serial Suicider" Strikes Again. Key witness dead!
  • Countdown to the crash of Flight PLF101Countdown to the crash of Polish Governement Tupolev TU-154M flight PLF101.
  • Smolensk Widow Beata Gosiewska exposes the Smolnesk Crash LieSmolensk Crash Widow exposes the "Smolensk Lie"
  • The List of 96 Victims of Polish Air Crash In Smolensk, Russia, on April 10, 2010.The list of 96 victims
  • 9 Questions for Professor Binienda.Is the U.S. scientific community interested in the Smolensk crash?
  • Lech Kaczynski's Security Was Purposefully CompromisedPolish president's security was purposefully compromised!
  • Slide 11 Title Goes HereThe main causes of the Polish Tu-154M crash were two explosions onboard.
  • Facts presented in this report demonstrate a clear and convincing evidence of obstruction of justice in the one-sided and superficial investigation that violates basic norms of any airplane crash investigation, elementary standards of due process of law, and rights of the families of the victims.Was the official investigation an obstruction of justice?
Chairman of the Polish Government Re-Investigation Commission of the Crash of Polish Air Force One on April 10, 2010 in Smolensk Russian Image Management by Retired CIA Senior Scientific Intelligene Officer, Eugene Poteat, LL.D Smolensk Crash Disinformation Explosives Found on the wreckage of Polish Air Force One. Coverup by Suicide Smolensk Crash Timeline Smolensk Crash Lie Exposed. Smolensk Crash Victims 9 Questions for Dr. Binienda. Polish president's security was intentionally compromised. Scientific analysis of Smolensk crash points to the invalidity of the official findings. 2014 independent Smolensk Crash Raport: What do we know about Smolensk crash today.

Meteoric Rise of Donald Tusk: Agent “Oscar” and Hiccups from the GDR.

SCND September 1, 2014

KGB Colonel, Vladimir Putin in Dresden, East Germany.
Vladimir Putin in Dresden, E. Germany

The year is 1986.  The first in a series of many “spontaneous” meetings between the USSR and the German Democratic Republic intelligence officers, are being held in Dresden, East Germany.

After several months of these “informal” meetings, an unremarkable - in both height and rank - KGB officer, speaking excellent German, albeit with a bit of a funny accent, becomes their host. No one there had paid much attention to a man named Vladimir Putin.

The meetings are followed by a "spontaneous" assault on the headquarters of the infamous GDR political police - the STASI - by the citizens of Berlin.

Coincidentally, most of the “revolutionaries” “storming” the headquarters of the East-German intelligence services, established by Mr. Erich Mielke, knew each other from the time they served together in the GDR military. During this infamous “assault” however, they all wore civilian clothes …

At this time, a feverish work of finalizing the establishment of new companies was in full swing. An army of lawyers wrote new agreements between the - seemingly - now “capitalist” entrepreneurs and large Western companies.

Demonstrators at Stasi headquarers.
Stasi headquarters under "assault". PHOTO by AP

These meetings are held until 1999. Allegedly, they openly agreed to obey the conditions of an earlier agreement: whereby there would not be NATO military installations in Poland.  Furthermore, Poland was designated a geographical area where any industrial growth and large scale manufacturing was to be purposefully crippled.

"During the 1980s, when Putin began his career with [Soviet intelligence] services and worked in Dresden, it is there that the first ideas about the ‘cessation’ of the USSR emerged. Both Yeltsin and Yanayev were privy to this [sacred] knowledge, but Gorbachev officially knew nothing.  At that time, because of his ‘contributions’, Putin could choose just about anything he wanted […] and he chose the St. Petersburg.” - we read in the excerpt from one of the top-secret reports that found its way into the offices of the Polish Communist Military intelligence Services (abbr. WSI – Wojskowe Służby Informacyjne) in Warsaw.

Then, the "IOUs" earned during the phony "assault" on the STASI headquarters were used to orchestrate many important "political events" on the European Continent.  They accelerated some careers, and ended others. Notably, archives from the Marcus Wolf’s Department XVIII were at that time already at the headquarters of the CIA.

The chancellor of Germany that superseded Helmut Kohl was exceedingly friendly to Moscow.

Why do I write about this today?

I could evade an honest answer, and say, that I am telling you about a plot from my new novel - the third part of a trilogy about the adventures of Andrew Brenner.  But, this would not entirely be an honest answer.

Donald Tusk with Vladimir Putin at the crash site in Smolensk, Russia, 2010.
Tusk with Putin at the TU-154M crash site in 2010.

I am writing this because my jaw dropped as I was watching a triumphant Donald Tusk march into the European corridors of power.

What precipitated this meteoric event?

The answer is that Chancellor Angela Merkel is trying, at all costs, to save the Platforma Obywatelska (abbr. PO – Civic Platform), and Tusk himself, from a defeat in the upcoming elections. [See "Tape Scandal in Poland"]

At first, during the infamous uprising on Maidan in Ukraine, she ordered her man, Mr. Klitschko, to expeditiously travel from Kiev to Warsaw for political spectacle, to garner public support for the Civil Platform. Klitschko, however, helped them as much as incense can help a dead man.

What then was Madam Chancellor to do?

You have to appoint Mr. Tusk - in many aspects a political twin of Mr. Klitschko - to some sort of office in the European Union.

Donald Tusk is politically spent in Poland, and there is nothing of consequence that depends on him anymore. At the same time, easily swayed PO supporters will fall in a reverent awe, and will be reenergized. So what you have here are trinkets, or a lifeline for a drowning man.

Mr. Tusk became "President" of Europe. But, when I glance at the faces of serious politicians who represent major European powers, I see barely concealed smiles, of pity.

They have perfected the Do’s and Don’ts of this masquerade. Herr Tusk will do his job, and even zum befehl will learn the French language. Encouraged, or perhaps more accurately, slapped on the back of the head by Miss Merkel to get going, he’ll ultimately get some rudimentary English language skills under his belt.

Donald Tusk with Angela Merkel.
Donald Tusk with Angela Merkel. PHOTO by Niezalezna.pl

None of the respectable prime ministers cared about such a position, and even the lady from small Denmark withdrew her candidacy.

This "Great Success", that looks like a hand stretched out to a drowning man, extended by the German Chancellor, will not strengthen Europe, nor will it bring it much needed cohesion.

German domination not only began to bother London, (as Germany tore a big hole in Ukraine that it can no longer patch up), but it is also more and more troublesome to Madrid and Lisbon.

Yes, an opera buffa-like "Government of Europe" will be able to accompany the Madam Chancellor in her travels to Moscow, but only when Madam Merkel graciously agrees.

So, I look at Tusk dressed up in his "European clothes", and I cannot help feeling that the secret pacts concluded in Dresden - since the mid-eighties of the last century - give many politicians “hiccups” that you can hear echoing throughout the European continent today.

Even, still to this very day, no one is able to conclusively answer the question: Who was the STASI agent codename "Oscar" who worked against the Solidarity Trade Union in Gdansk for the East-German communist intelligence services ... 

Written by Witold Gadowski

This original Polish language article appeared in Stefczyk.info under the title "Enerdowska czkawka"


Relevant Books Suggestions:

Red Notice by Bill Browder

From the Editor's Desk: A real-life political thriller about an American financier in the Wild East of Russia, the murder of his principled young tax attorney, and his dangerous mission to expose the Kremlin’s corruption.

In 2007, a group of law enforcement officers raided Browder’s offices in Moscow and stole $230 million of taxes that his fund’s companies had paid to the Russian government. Browder’s attorney Sergei Magnitsky investigated the incident and uncovered a sprawling criminal enterprise. A month after Sergei testified against the officials involved, he was arrested and thrown into pre-trial detention, where he was tortured for a year. On November 16, 2009, he was led to an isolation chamber, handcuffed to a bedrail, and beaten to death by eight guards in full riot gear.

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The Man Without A Face by Masha Gessen

From the Editor's Desk: A chilling and unflinching portrait of one of the most fearsome figures in world politics.
In 1999, the “Family” surrounding Boris Yeltsin went looking for a successor to the ailing and increasingly unpopular president. Vladimir Putin, with very little governmental or administrative experience - he’d been deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, and briefly, director of the secret police - nevertheless seemed the perfect choice: a “faceless” creature whom Yeltsin and his cronies could mold in their own image. Russia and an infatuated West were determined to see in him the progressive leader of their dreams - even as Putin, with ruthless efficiency, dismantled the country’s media, wrested control and wealth from the business class, and destroyed the fragile mechanisms of democracy.

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Blowing Up Russia by Aleksander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky

From the Editor's Desk: "Blowing Up Russia" contains the allegations of ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko against his former spymasters in Moscow which led to his being murdered in London in November 2006. In the book he and historian Yuri Felshtinsky detail how since 1999 the Russian secret service has been hatching a plot to return to the terror that was the hallmark of the KGB.

Vividly written and based on Litvinenko's 20 years of insider knowledge of Russian spy campaigns, Blowing Up Russia describes how the successor of the KGB fabricated terrorist attacks and launched a war. Writing about Litvinenko, the surviving co-author recounts how the banning of the book in Russia led to three earlier deaths.

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"Russian Image Management"

The trip to Smolensk was expected to highlight Russia finally admitting culpability in the massacre, after long having blamed it on the Germans, an atrocity they had tried to conceal for over 70 years.

Eugene Poteat, retired CIA Senior Scientific Intelligence Officer.

As for the reception committee, it had different ideas. Putin wasn’t looking forward to such an occasion. Into this poisonous reception brew was President Kaczynski’s well-known public criticism of Moscow and Putin, a habit that has ended the lives of others within Russia – and abroad. A few discouraging Russian requirements – that Kaczynski could not attend in any official capacity – did not halt the Poles. Kaczynski would go anyway on non-official, “personal” business. To Russians, such a distinction would be meaningless, not lessening the possible international excoriation of such an event. A problem ripe for a modern, Russian solution: a tragic, ‘natural’ accident.

Read more here

"Tape-Gate" Scandal in Poland

The tapes published by “Wprost” reveal who offered what to whom and for what. It remains puzzling however how these recordings relate to the Smolensk crash. Thus far, two references to the crash were identified in the taped conversations between Marek Belka, Slawomir Cytrycki and Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, all high ranking government officials.

Despite Prime Minister Tusk’s continual public offensive and an all-out “proletarian offensive” from the left-wing, government-friendly media, the scandal triggered by the release of secret tapes by “Wprost” had all but refuted credibility, sinking the Prime Minister Tusk, his administration, and the highest ranking officials in the Polish government further into the abyss of public disapproval. The Prime Minister hopes that the “Tape-Gate Scandal” will go away on its own but this is wishful thinking.

The tentacles of this scandal draw ever-growing attention from both the general public and journalists alike in Poland and all over the world on an unprecedented level. Apparently Mr. Tusk did not realize that beating-up journalists, sending plain-clothed thugs to incite fear, pacify newspapers, and undermining freedom of the press is not the best way to cover up crimes and subvert lies and corruption. This is not the best way “to make friends and to influence people,” particularly if one claims to lead a free and democratic government. Read more here

The Interpreter
The Interpretere

Who is Magda Fitas, a woman next to Donald Tusk from the famous April 10, 2010 photo of Donald Tusk with Vladimir Putin at the Smolensk crash site that appeared on the cover of "W Sieci" magazine shortly thereafter? She is a translator and interpreter of English and Russian languages, who once worked for Leszek Miller.

Later she interpreted for Lech Kaczynski during his meeting with George Bush, and later for Donald Tusk in his meeting with Vladimir Putin over the smoldering wreckage of the Polish Air Force One in Smolensk. Read more here

"Smolensk Maze" 2014 Smolensk Crash Status Report Download.
Unanswered Questions About TU-154M Crash in Smolensk, Russia.
Munich 1938 - Smolensk 2010
Munich 1938. “Munich represents a pact, which requires reflection… Between honor and dishonor politicians chose dishonor but even this choice did not prevent a war. Not always, as in the case of Munich, the results are so immediate and tragic. But with time, tragic results came always.” Lech Aleksander Kaczynski

On the 70-thieth anniversary of the outbreak of WWII Polish President Lech Kaczynski stated: 

“Munich represents a pact, which requires reflection… Between honor and dishonor politicians chose dishonor but even this choice did not prevent a war. Not always, as in the case of Munich, the results are so immediate and tragic. But with time, tragic results came always.”

Soon after this speech, in April 2010, President Kaczynski, the entire Central Command of the Polish Armed Forces, and representatives of the patriotic elide of the Polish society evaporated in the tragic catastrophe of the Polish Air Force One in Smolensk, Russia.  The world community chose not to reflect upon this unprecedented event. Read more here


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