Smolensk Crash News Digest
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"The dismantling of the Polish State has just ended. Now people will start to disappear." Dr. Janusz Kurtyka Contact | About

Independent News, Research, Scientific Analysis, and Commentary on the Smolensk Crash and its Implications.

  • Antoni Macierewicz, Vice Chairman of the Law and Justice Party (PiS)Chairman of the Polish Government Re-Investigation Commission of the Crash of Polish Air Force One on April 10, 2010 in Smolensk
  • Russian Image Management by Euguene PoteatRetired CIA Senior Scientific Intelligence Officer Euguene Poteat speaks out
  • Smolensk Crash DisinformationNo one saw anything, no one heard anything, no one filmed anything ...
  • TNT and other explosives detected on the wreckage of Polish presidential planeC4, TNT, RDX, HMX (octogen), p-MNT and Nitroglycerine detected ...
  • Smolensk Crash related deaths"The Serial Suicider" Strikes Again. Key witness dead!
  • Countdown to the crash of Flight PLF101Countdown to the crash of Polish Governement Tupolev TU-154M flight PLF101.
  • Smolensk Widow Beata Gosiewska exposes the Smolnesk Crash LieSmolensk Crash Widow exposes the "Smolensk Lie"
  • The List of 96 Victims of Polish Air Crash In Smolensk, Russia, on April 10, 2010.The list of 96 victims
  • 9 Questions for Professor Binienda.Is the U.S. scientific community interested in the Smolensk crash?
  • Lech Kaczynski's Security Was Purposefully CompromisedPolish president's security was purposefully compromised!
  • Slide 11 Title Goes HereThe main causes of the Polish Tu-154M crash were two explosions onboard.
  • Facts presented in this report demonstrate a clear and convincing evidence of obstruction of justice in the one-sided and superficial investigation that violates basic norms of any airplane crash investigation, elementary standards of due process of law, and rights of the families of the victims.Was the official investigation an obstruction of justice?
Chairman of the Polish Government Re-Investigation Commission of the Crash of Polish Air Force One on April 10, 2010 in Smolensk Russian Image Management by Retired CIA Senior Scientific Intelligene Officer, Eugene Poteat, LL.D Smolensk Crash Disinformation Explosives Found on the wreckage of Polish Air Force One. Coverup by Suicide Smolensk Crash Timeline Smolensk Crash Lie Exposed. Smolensk Crash Victims 9 Questions for Dr. Binienda. Polish president's security was intentionally compromised. Scientific analysis of Smolensk crash points to the invalidity of the official findings. 2014 independent Smolensk Crash Raport: What do we know about Smolensk crash today.

Some Mechanical and Structural Aspects of the Smolensk Crash
By Dr. Gregory Szuladzinski, Ph.D., MSME

1. General Course of Events


The outline of the Soviet-made Tu-154M.  

Fig. 1. The outline of the Soviet-made Tu-154M

Part of the left and right wing, a widened section adjacent to the fuselage and is often called the center wing. This section passes here through the cabin and is, in itself, very solidly built. In most air accidents, when the machine somehow hits the runway, this part is the least damaged in comparison with the tips of the wings or ends of the hull.

The aircraft trajectory, according to recent studies, is indicated by a black line. The upper graph shows it in a plan view, and lower in elevation. The TAWS point (later referred to as critical point, in short: the point K) is the place where the direction of the flight has significantly changed. The nearly vertical lanes on theupper photograph are Gubienki (right) and Kutuzova Street (left).

Above: Fig. 2. The aircraft trajectory, according to recent studies, is indicated by a black line. The upper graph shows it in a plan view, and lower in elevation. The TAWS point (later referred to as critical point, in short: the point K) is the place where the direction of the flight has significantly changed. The nearly vertical lanes on theupper photograph are Gubienki (right) and Kutuzova Street (left).

As per above, point TAWS (TAWS # 38 according to the NTSB report (Annex 4 to the report KBWL)) will be called a critical point, point K. (The plan view of the trajectory in Figure 2 is a simplification. The last section between point K and FMS really is an arc tangent to the previous segment. This means that the aircraft was turning).

Point FMS indicates the location where the on-board computer (Flight Management System) memory suffered a power failure. Therefore, contact with the ground was lost. This aircraft has multiple protections against the power drop, so that the event leading to this had to be very serious. Barely visible small squares with the words "wing" and "stabilizer" are the places where the aircraft components were found. "Birch" refers to a tree, which was considered a direct cause of the crash. It has been hypothesized that hitting the birch tree resulted in the loss of the wing, and the general stability, which resulted in crashing to the ground.

To investigate this issue, prof. Binienda of Acron University presented simulations employing FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and showed that, with appropriate speed, the wing was able to cut the birch, not vice versa. We must mention that in photos the birch looks like it was cut by a blunt object, but its relationship to the accident is difficult to determine.

More detailed trajectory studies accomplished in the meantime show that any contact between an airplane and this tree was not possible. This, however, does not preclude the role of other trees in the whole event.

The plane crashed into the ground near the point of FMS.


Parts of this Report
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Explosives Found on the Wreckage

Conclusive evidence of explosives detection emerges! Antoni Macierewicz Press Conference, July 19, 2013. Examples of Spectrometer readouts released to the public.

Conclusive evidence of explosives detection emerges! Antoni Macierewicz Press Conference, July 19, 2013. Examples of Spectrometer readouts released to the public.

Read more here


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