1. Acting on safety intelligence that identifies possible in-service airworthiness deficiencies and safety hazards affecting aeronautical products.
2. Providing specialized engineering airworthiness advice to the aviation industry, enterprises and civil aviation authorities on in-service problems and their rectification.
3. Assisting Canadian or foreign Transportation Safety Boards in the investigation of aircraft accidents, and incidents.
4. Reviewing accident investigation reports and safety recommendations to confirm technical accuracy and to assess the need for further corrective action.
5. Leading multidisciplinary teams to coordinate investigations of unsafe in-service conditions and airworthiness concerns; developing remedial courses of action.
Dr. Gajewski participated in selected conference presentations, authored and published numerous engineering papers and reports on aviation safety subjects.
The trip to Smolensk was expected to highlight Russia finally admitting culpability in the massacre, after long having blamed it on the Germans, an atrocity they had tried to conceal for over 70 years.
As for the reception committee, it had different ideas. Putin wasn’t looking forward to such an occasion. Into this poisonous reception brew was President Kaczynski’s well-known public criticism of Moscow and Putin, a habit that has ended the lives of others within Russia – and abroad. A few discouraging Russian requirements – that Kaczynski could not attend in any official capacity – did not halt the Poles. Kaczynski would go anyway on non-official, “personal” business. To Russians, such a distinction would be meaningless, not lessening the possible international excoriation of such an event. A problem ripe for a modern, Russian solution: a tragic, ‘natural’ accident.
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